
Living and Learning in Warm Wellies

Did you know schools encouraging and embracing outdoor learning can claim a 10% discount on Warm Wellies?

As farmers, we wholeheartedly embrace the philosophy of encouraging and inspiring young people through positive outdoor experiences.   Forest Schools have an innovative outdoor educational approach to play and learning, as do a growing number of schools who encourage getting outdoors. It's something we admire and are keen to support.

We believe the Warm Welly Company is the only welly provider that focuses on developing warm wellies for children.  That's why, right across the country, schools and nurseries with an outdoor focus, have been choosing our wellies for years... we understand the value of keeping feet warm when it’s wet and cold.

SCHOOLS (and parents) RECEIVE 10% DISCOUNT  

We’d love you, your pupils and parents to benefit from the Warm Wellies experience and can offer you a 10% discount. All you need is a valid discount code which you can use on full-priced wellies.  As a school, you can choose to use the code yourselves for bulk purchases, or you can pass your bespoke leaflet and discount code on to parents (see sample below). 


Simply email us and we'll set up your exclusive school discount code, then we'll email it to you with your leaflet PDF. Use the code at checkout or pass the leaflet on to parents who can the code to buy wellies. If you'd like to talk to us,  call Simon Wood (the man behind the wellies!) on 016977 41937.

Helping you keep children exploring the outdoors for longer

Never before has outdoor learning been so important - since the COVID-19 epidemic began, we have seen a marked increase in the number of schools asking for warm wellies as part of their recommended kit. 

Autumn/winter is traditionally a time for change - when kids go to school for the first time needing all new kit - and more shoes and wellies are needed for all growing kids. 

Our wellies keep toes from freezing so little ones can explore woodlands, crisp golden leaves, frost, wet weather and snow. And with warm and cosy feet, kids are content outdoors for longer periods of time.

TESTIMONIALS - the proof is in the wearing…

"We have been recommending Warm Wellies to our parents for years and our parents are always delighted by the quality of the wellies. They are easy to order and warm to wear and, with our children being outside all day every day, they stand the test of time". Leanna Barrett, Co-Founder Little Forest Folk

kids in a treehousekids in a treehouse

“We’re outside 8 hours every day in all weathers and the children are required to wear appropriate waterproof clothing and footwear. We find Warm Wellies are extremely durable, the neoprene lining keeps the children’s feet warm with adequate grip on the sole to play safely without slipping.  They also benefit from a reflective hanging loop.  We would recommend The Warm Welly Company to any outdoor or forest school nurseries, the wellies are fantastic and the service we receive is always very friendly and efficient.” Woodland Outdoor Kindergartens, Glasgow 

Neoprene lined wellies – why does it make a material difference?

Neoprene is best known as a lining for wet suits, but did you know it was also used by NASA astronauts?  Neoprene gets its soft, spongy and insulating capabilities from a process that produces tiny microbubbles (air pockets). It has been used as insulation in adult wellies for a long time, but when our children were small and helping (playing) on the farm, we couldn’t find any warm wellies for them – that’s why we designed and produced our own neoprene-lined wellies for little ones.

The Temperature Test

7 degrees of difference – that’s the result of the ten-minute temperature test carried out by our children. They compared standard cotton-lined children’s wellies to our own neoprene lined warm wellies and were excited to see their experiment showed how much warmer our wellies are.

tempreture test

P.S. Just to let you know, as well as using the discount code for your kids' wellies - you can also use the code to buy adult wellies too. Find out more how we can help your school, by emailing Simon click here

Warm Wellies designed by the farmer – keeping kids warm when wandering and exploring in all weathers.